Après English et Globish, voici le dictionnaire du Wokish, la langue de bois de la nouvelle « moraline » para-progressiste pour reprendre le terme de Nietzsche. J’évoquais récemment la sémantique de « disrupt » qui coexiste assez fréquemment avec « dismantle ». Je citerai volontiers presque in extenso le commentaire de James Lindsay sur son site NewDiscourses, découverte réellement intéressante, sur laquelle je reviendrai ultérieurement : « What it means by “disrupting” is disrupting the system of power, dominance, and oppression that it believes characterize our current system (broadly, the liberal order and Enlightenment rationalism—see also, science, truth, meritocraty, individualism, and objectivity). The underlying and cornerstone presupposition of Critical Theory is that the existing system is wholly corrupted by (largely hidden) systemic forces of oppression like racism, sexism, misogyny, white supremacy, heteronomativity, transphobia, fascism, and so on, and that their operation has to be identified and disrupted in order to free oppressed people (thus all people) from them (see also, liberation and revolution). » Plus loin : « Disruption is a proximate but not final goal for Critical Theories. It is what one is expected to do to interrupt that which creates, maintains, or legitimates systems of oppression in the moment (again, as Critical Theorists see things). For example, if someone using their freedom of speech and peaceable assembly to say things that Critical Theorists assess uphold systems of power, disruption would involve taking steps to silence, deplatform, call out, or cancel that speech, assembly, and/or speakers. » (https://newdiscourses.com/tftw-disrupt). Idem pour les textes et spécifiquement les textes littéraires.